Friday, February 4, 2011

Who wants to know how to impove his sales on eBay?

   This will be the first of the series of my posts on How Can I improve my listing visits and therefore my sales on eBay.
   Thousands, maybe more are asking the same question everyday. "What should I do to be ahead of the competition"? - a common question everyone selling on eBay is asking at least couple of times a week.

   The answers of this questions are not easy. They are not the same for everyone too. Every eBay member who decides to start selling has a long way to go through before to do it. If he/she wants to make it properly.

The easiest thing to do for the start is to list couple vintage items at home and hope them to sell. What price to start the auction from, duration and witch day of the week to choose to start the auction - come back tomorrow to start learning the basics.

I'll be happy to hear what other people think about that.  
So Do Not Be Shy :)


  1. Hi there!
    Great blog post, and here is another tip :)
    I've just signed up to be a beta user for a startup called Statricks, and I see myself using this site in online marketplace trading. You get price trends and fair market values for almost all used goods (based on classified statistics it seems like), so you'll know what the going price is for an item.
    I see this to be a very useful tool, as you can be sure you price your items within a fair price range and use it to prove you're not overpricing your items.
    Check it out:


  2. Hey what a brilliant post I have come across and believe me I have been searching out for this similar kind of post for past a week and hardly came across this. Thank you very much and will look for more postings from you.
    Make Money On Ebay 2016
