So the next step is to ensure you get a lot of people who visit your for example vintage mechanical pencil listing. If you are sure a lot of people are searching for items similar to yours, you should use auction style listing.
Auction style listings are more likely to be on the first page on searching results. The sooner your auction ends, the more it goes up on the search results page.
The best way is to set an 3 or 5 day auction ending Saturday or Sunday in the afternoon. This is the time most of the people who use eBay are searching, bidding and buying. 7 or 10 day auctions are good choice for getting more exposure, but are more likely to be forgotten buy the buyer due to the longer waiting period.
When deciding the time an auction ends, you must determine buyers from what region are you expecting to bid on your item. This is really important if you are selling internationally. So choose the time your auction ends wisely. Spend more time preparing, to ensure better results. If the end time you wish is not comfortable for you, there's scheduled time on eBay list your item page witch costs only $0.10 but will be worth a lot more if it suits the international buyer.
As always I'm waiting to hear what do you think on this matter.
Till tomorrow.
Great advice. It just makes sense. Thanks.