Saturday, February 12, 2011

Choose the eBay listing format: Auction Style Listing

After you have chosen the items to sell and the time and day your listing would end, you have to choose the listing format.
There are 2 major formats to choose from:
# Auction Style listing
# Fixed Price listing

It's wise to use Auction Style listing on items with high demand and low supply. If your item is unique ( like a rare edition vintage fountain pen ) and there are few others sold it's the right choice. This way you'll ensure a large number of buyers will bid on it and the price you planned to sell it at the start will go way up your expectations.
There's always a chance not everyone interested in your listing to notice it within the auction period, therefore you loose some valuable buyers. But that's the way it is. One thing you can do is to set a reserve price for the item. It costs some money, but gives you comfort you'll not sell it below your expectations.
There are few periods to choose the duration from: 1, 3, 5, 7 and 10 days auction.
Some reviewers recommend the 10 days Auction, but I personally think it's a little too much time to wait and constantly check how the auction goes if you are a potential buyer.

So feel free to experiment with the different durations until you find the right one for you.

Have in mind the reserve price gives you comfort, but could scary off some potential bidders.

In the next post I'll cover some basics of using the Fixed Price Listing format on eBay.

Keep on trying:)

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Vintage Soviet Fountain Pens and Mechanical Pencils on my web store listings ending today

Here you can find some Vintage Soviet Fountain Pens and Vintage Mechanical Pencils along with other Vintage Collectibles on my web store.


Saturday, February 5, 2011

How to make sure more people visit my eBay listing

  So the next step is to ensure you get a lot of people who visit your for example vintage mechanical pencil listing. If you are sure a lot of people are searching for items similar to yours, you should use auction style listing.
  Auction style listings are more likely to be on the first page on searching results. The sooner your auction ends, the more it goes up on the search results page.
  The best way is to set an 3 or 5 day auction ending Saturday or Sunday in the afternoon. This is the time most of the people who use eBay are searching, bidding and buying. 7 or 10 day auctions are good choice for getting more exposure, but are more likely to be forgotten buy the buyer due to the longer waiting period.
  When deciding the time an auction ends, you must determine buyers from what region are you expecting to bid on your item. This is really important if you are selling internationally. So choose the time your auction ends wisely. Spend more time preparing, to ensure better results. If the end time you wish is not comfortable for you, there's scheduled time on eBay list your item page witch costs only $0.10 but will be worth a lot more if it suits the international buyer.

  As always I'm waiting to hear what do you think on this matter.

  Till tomorrow.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Who wants to know how to impove his sales on eBay?

   This will be the first of the series of my posts on How Can I improve my listing visits and therefore my sales on eBay.
   Thousands, maybe more are asking the same question everyday. "What should I do to be ahead of the competition"? - a common question everyone selling on eBay is asking at least couple of times a week.

   The answers of this questions are not easy. They are not the same for everyone too. Every eBay member who decides to start selling has a long way to go through before to do it. If he/she wants to make it properly.

The easiest thing to do for the start is to list couple vintage items at home and hope them to sell. What price to start the auction from, duration and witch day of the week to choose to start the auction - come back tomorrow to start learning the basics.

I'll be happy to hear what other people think about that.  
So Do Not Be Shy :)