Saturday, July 20, 2013

Google Panda and Penguin on SEO firms = FIA rules for F1 Teams = Evolution ?

Efforts SEO consultants are putting in order to improve PR and SERP position of their client's web sites are similar to those engineers in F1 teams are putting to make their cars faster, trying to comply with the new FIA rules every season.

Every F1 season there are new rules to forbid some semi-legal approach to the rules from the last year. Then teams, engineers and team leaders start looking for a way to "circumvent" these new restrictions and build the fastest and most reliable car on the grid.

Google started to issue a new algorithm update every year or so in order to guarantee search result relevancy. Right after that, SEO gurus start to modify their approach in order to stay or better their SERP position. What was once the "HIT" now gets to "do not do this" category.

eBay and sellers seem to be "dancing to the same song". In order to make your Vintage Fountain Pen listing to appear on the first page, there need to be some description changes to be done on regular basis. 

Life on the Earth. Isn't it the same that happened to the life on Earth since its birth? Constant change in environment conditions and the ability to adapt made us what we are today.

Evolution? Just Business as usual.

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