Sunday, February 17, 2013

Build a niche store and start making money online part 2

Here is my tip #3 for successful online niche store: BELIEVE!

You should really believe in what you are doing. You should also believe in your success. If you do something just because somebody said so or inspired by a blog post or the news you are most likely to fail. Every business is different so should be yours. Do not just copy what other people have done. Create your own routine and follow it. Here's an example of vintage fountain pens online store. Browse categories and products and see what seller has done to attract buyer's attention.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Build a niche store and start making money online

Simple List How to Make Money Online:

So you want to make some money on the Internet? Plenty of blogs, web sites and forums full of lists, tips and tricks how to get rich online. Here's my list:
  1. Search and read what you think is relevant to the subject of your interest.

    SPEND a great deal of time reading. Read blog posts, comments, web sites and forums. Prepare your self with knowledge in one certain subject. Learn from other peoples mistakes and success. When will you be ready? Depends on You!
  2. Keep your focus.

    Do not get distracted by the last post or YouTube video. Keep focused on ONE subject. Even if it looks not the best one. Best ones are already occupied by the guy who started doing this 10 years ago. Find your niche and learn everything about it!

    I believe the tips posted here will help you to make a good start of your online store sales.

    Will try to update this list next week. Come back for part two.